Hi I’m rashmi cherian I’m an Advisor & Consultant to professional and amateur athletes, associations & organizations in various sports.
National Health Awarded Sports Nutritionist, High-performance Nutrition Expert, Author, Speaker, Founder of Wellness Vows & Creator of Sports Nutrition E-Course for Bangladesh Academy of Dietetics & Nutrition (BADN).
Have been featured in the Top 10 list of Women founded Companies of the year 2021.
I help athletes to excel on the playing field with nutrition as the right nutrition can help athletes make the most of their athletic abilities. The primary way I have chosen to make a difference is through education in the form of advising, consulting, mentoring, coaching, training, speaking & writing about Nutrition.
The underlying philosophy that guides all my work is to enable athletes to optimize performance & have a winning edge. I help athletes understand, plan and execute nutrition strategies for daily living, training and competing.
Educating athletes to plan the optimal diet for their individual needs and goals is what I do best ?.”
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