Her professional career was shaped at a very young age of 17 years and she gained experience into the field of Financial & Commodity Derivatives, Chemicals, Agriculture & into Biopharmaceuticals. Business Development & Financial Planning are her core strengths.
20 years of business experience made her widely travel across the world for her work. Her idea was to always devise a plan to “Give Back To Society” and in 2019 she setted up VISHALWIN FOUNDATION.
The foundation works with children and young adults with Down Syndrome, Autism, Global Developmental Delay and similar issues. Under the RENU Programme (Rehabilitation and Empowerment of Needy and Underprivileged) the foundation reaches out to children with special needs in the economically weaker section and identifies their early intervention needs by conducting medical camps in urban rurals. Her goal is to make these children school ready. She and Vishalwin shall be actively working in future for setting up of Ambulances in the most accident prone zones in Ahmedabad and gradually across India.
मैं कार्यक्रम में भाग लेने और एजेंडा के बारे में और अधिक जानना चाहता हूं।
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