A social entrepreneur of I Village striving for social development via economic independence by generating rural employment opportunities. She is a creative, intellectual and aspiring individual.
She has an MBA from Rochester, New York USA, currently a social entrepreneur of I Village striving for social development via economic independence by generating rural employment opportunities.
She has over 8+ years of well-grounded experience in Financial Analysis, Valuations, Business Modeling, Bond Valuation and Loan Pricing with Ernst and Young India and Advantage Data Inc. (Financial Services) Boston, MA, USA and also secured a certificate in financial planning from Harvard University, MA and Investment Banking from Investment Banking Institute, Boston, MA.
At IVillage they aim to enable a successful and self-sustaining rural economy with its women at the center.
मैं कार्यक्रम में भाग लेने और एजेंडा के बारे में और अधिक जानना चाहता हूं।
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