Yuukke Launch Pad

Ready to take your social venture to the next level? Look no further than Yuukke Launchpad, powered by CSUF Startup Incubator.

A comprehensive course for women-led social enterprises. Learn strategies to go from idea to launch while creating sustainable solutions and creating real impact in the world. Gain valuable insights, strategies, and support to scale up your impact. This isn’t just online learning – it’s a unique initiative designed for entrepreneurs who is looking for making impact. 

About the Batch

Yuukke is currently accepting applications from women and student startups for the Winter 2024 batch, scheduled to take place from January to March 2024. The application deadlines for each cohort are as follows:

Winter Batch (January–March 2024): Application closes by January 10th

Summer Batch (May–July 2024): Application closes by May 20th

Monsoon Batch (August–October 2024): Application closes by July 15th

Additionally, an in-person Annual Demo Day is planned for October/November 2024, bringing together all batches. The Demo Day kicks off with a 3-day, in-person retreat, featuring guest speakers from the startup world. The location will be announced later. Each batch will be assigned senior experts for mentoring.

People who applied before the deadline will hear back within a week. Promising applicants will be invited for interviews, which will mostly be conducted via video conference.

Course Overview

Dive into the world of social enterprise with this comprehensive course, designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and practical tools necessary to make a significant impact through your entrepreneurial journey.

  • In-depth Exploration: Understand what social enterprise truly entails, its relevance in today’s world, and how it’s revolutionizing traditional ways of doing business.
  • From Ideas to Impact: Learn how to spot societal challenges that can be aligned with profitable business opportunities. Not only will you learn how to conceive innovative ideas, but you’ll also acquire the skills to bring those ideas to life.
  • Building Your Tribe: Get insights on how to rally stakeholders around your cause, engage your community, and build a team that shares your passion for making a difference.
  • Mindset Matters: Learn the ropes of maintaining motivation, overcoming obstacles, dealing with stress and avoiding burnout – essential skills for the entrepreneurial journey.
  • Network and Grow: Leverage the power of networking, mentorship, and collaborations to grow as an entrepreneur and maximize the impact of your social enterprise.

With this course, you won’t just be learning; you’ll be preparing to launch your own social enterprise and make a difference in the world. Let’s get started on this exciting journey!

Course Curriculum

Video lesson
Presentation Slides
Activity: Craft Your Personal Mission Statement
Activity: Entrepreneurial Traits Self-Assessment
Activity: Identify Your Resources and Support
Activity: What's Stopping You?
    Video lesson
    Presentation Slides
    Sample Market Research Plan
    Activity: Craft Your Problem Statement
    Video lesson
    Presentation Slides
    Template: Crafting Your Unique Value Proposition
    Template: Lean Canvas
    Activity: Brainstorm Social Enterprise Solutions
    Apply For The CSUF Startup Incubator
    Video lesson
    Presentation Slides
    Activity: User Testing Workshop
    Activity: Business Concept Exercise
    Apply For The CSUF Startup Incubator
    Video lesson
    Presentation Slides
    Apply For The CSUF Startup Incubator
    Video lesson
    Presentation Slides
    Apply For The CSUF Startup Incubator

Please fill in your details as given below.
